Menu ryhmille ennakkotilauksesta.
Päivämatkailijoiden Menu löytyy täältä.
Fish soup
11,50€Creamy fish soup, salads, bread and spread
Meat and cabbage soup
11,50€Beef and cabbage soup, salads, bread and spreads
Red salmon soup
11,50€Tasty salmon soup, salads, bread and spread
Temptations of the vineyard
14,50€Alternatives; ham, janson or vegetarian sausage
Plus green salad, beetroot, pickles, bread and spread -
Lindström's steaks and mashed potatoes
14,50€Green salad, pasta salad, pickles, bread and spread
Vegetarian menu
14,50€Vegetable risotto with apple, green salad, salad of the day,
beetroot, bread and spread -
Apple tartare piglet
15,90€Apple pork stew, green salad, house salad,
boiled potatoes, bread and spread -
The winemaker's chicken
15,90€Chicken stew, boiled potatoes, rice, green salad,
pasta salad, bread and spread
Piece of firewood
19,90€Creamy chop, boiled potatoes, warm
vegetables, green salad, bread and spread -
Salad buffet
19,90€Smoked salmon, halloumi and chicken salad, breads and spreads
Farmhouse wine table
29,90€Kassler steak with apple sauce, cheese-covered salmon,
green salad, house salad, herring, boiled potatoes, warm
vegetables, bread and spread -
Alitalo farmhouse table
45,00€Salmon and cream sauce, pork fillet and apple sauce
sauce, meatballs, boiled potatoes, old-fashioned pasta,
warm vegetables, green salad and house salad, herring,
gravad salmon, eggs, meatballs, breads and spreads -
... ... ... ... ...
All menus include coffee and apple pie for dessert and water as a drink!
A vegetarian option is available on request.
Please let us know the final number of participants, allergies and special diets one week before the event.
Meals are always prepared for the agreed arrival time of the group and charged according to the number of people ordered.
For groups, on an advance order.
Coffee and pastry
Apple pie
4,50€ -
4,50€Earrings, Dallas bun or butter eye bun
Filling cake
6,90€ -
6,90€Blueberry-white chocolate or triple chocolate layer cheesecake
Ham pie
6,50€ -
Feta cheese pie
6,50€ -
6,50€ -
Rye bread
6,50€ -
Stuffed croissant
7,90€the price includes the selected pastry, as well as coffee or tea.